There are various ways to maintain ear health and hygiene. One of them is by ear therapy. Various therapies that are currently claimed to maintain ear health. However, are these therapies safe? Come on, see the explanation through the following article. Ear hygiene and health need to be maintained properly, because if not, this important organ is susceptible to interference. Aside from being a sense of hearing, the ear also plays a role in maintaining body balance. If there are problems with the ear, your hearing and balance can be disturbed. To maintain ear hygiene and health, there are many ear therapy options that can be done by doctors, therapists, or done alone at home. However, be careful. Not all of these therapies are safe and proven effective. Safe Ear Therapy Options The following are some ear therapy options that are proven safe for maintaining ear health: Ear irrigation Ear irrigation is an action to clean the ear canal from dirt or foreign objects. This therapy is ...